15 Hilarious Text-Based Memes for BTS Army


15 Hilarious Text-Based Memes for BTS Army

Meme 1: "Bias Wrecker Alert! 😱"

When your favorite BTS member isn't your bias, but they keep wrecking your bias list with their irresistible charm. 😅

Meme 2: "BTS Concert: A Day I'll Never Forget! 🎉"

When you reminisce about the incredible experience of attending a BTS concert and the unforgettable memories made. 🥰

Meme 3: "One Does Not Simply Choose a Bias in BTS 😓"

When selecting a bias among the talented members of BTS becomes an almost impossible task because they all have unique qualities that captivate your heart. 💔

Meme 4: "When the BTS Comeback Drops! 🎵"

When the long-awaited BTS comeback finally happens, and the excitement and anticipation reach unparalleled levels. 🎉

Meme 5: "ARMY Language: BTS Lyrics Edition 🎶"

When you find yourself using BTS lyrics as the perfect response in everyday conversations with your fellow ARMY members. 📝

Meme 6: "Me: *Casually Mentioning BTS* My Friends: Here We Go Again! 🙄"

When your friends have come to expect every conversation to somehow involve a reference to BTS because of your unwavering love for the group. 😂

Meme 7: "My Heart: *Sees BTS* Also My Heart: Panic Mode Activated! 💓"

When your heart can't handle the overwhelming emotions that arise from seeing BTS in action, whether it's in a music video, performance, or even a simple photo. 😍

Meme 8: "Me: *Plans to Get Some Sleep* BTS: Surprise VLive! 😴"

When you have every intention of going to bed, but BTS decides to surprise you with a spontaneous VLive session, causing your sleep schedule to go out the window. 😅

Meme 9: "My Workout Playlist: 90% BTS Songs 💪"

When your workout motivation reaches peak levels when you have a playlist filled with BTS songs that give you that extra boost of energy and determination. 🏋️‍♀️

Meme 10: "That Proud Moment When You Convert a Friend into an ARMY 🙌"

When your persuasive skills and relentless enthusiasm for BTS finally pay off, and you successfully convert a friend into an ARMY member. 🎉

Meme 11: "Meeting an ARMY in Public: Instant Friendship Mode Activated! 👭"

When you encounter a fellow ARMY member in public, and the unspoken connection and mutual understanding instantly make you feel like long-lost friends. 🤝

Meme 12: "BTS Memes: Cure for the Post-Concert Depression 🙃"

When the post-concert depression hits hard, and you seek solace in scrolling through BTS memes that bring a smile back to your face. 😄

Meme 13: "When BTS Releases a New Merch Line 💸"

When you can't resist the temptation of adding more BTS merch to your collection every time they release a new line, and your bank account weeps in despair. 💸😭

Meme 14: "Me: *Watches BTS Interview* Also Me: Trying to Read the Subtitles and Listen at the Same Time 🤔"

When you're so focused on understanding every word BTS is saying in an interview that you find yourself struggling to keep up with both the subtitles and their spoken words simultaneously. 📺📚

Meme 15: "BTS: Taking Over My Playlist, My Heart, and My Life! ❤️🎶"

When BTS's music has become an integral part of your life, from dominating your playlist to capturing your heart with their talent, passion, and authenticity. 🎵💕

discover this fundamental book based on bts biography

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