50 Funny and Relatable FIFA Memes



50 Funny and Relatable FIFA Memes

1. When you score a last-minute goal in FIFA and celebrate so hard that your neighbors think you won the World Cup


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2. That feeling when you finally beat your friend in FIFA and you know they won't hear the end of it for the next decade


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3. That moment when you realize you've been playing FIFA for hours and it's 3 am


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4. When you tackle your opponent in FIFA, but somehow your player ends up flying across the field like Superman


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5. When you try to execute a skill move in FIFA, but end up doing an awkward dance instead


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6. That frustrating moment when the referee in FIFA gives a yellow card for a perfectly timed tackle


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7. When you're losing in FIFA and your opponent decides to perform unnecessary skill moves just to show off


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8. When you select a lower-rated team in FIFA and manage to defeat a team with superstar players


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9. When you play FIFA with friends and someone accidentally pulls the plug just as you're about to score a winning goal


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10. When you start playing FIFA, thinking you'll just play a few matches, but end up losing track of time and playing all night


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11. When you keep pressing the shoot button in FIFA, hoping for a miraculous goal, but your player keeps hitting the post


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12. When you're playing FIFA and your pet decides it's the perfect time to chase the controller's cable


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13. When you accidentally press the wrong button in FIFA and your player starts doing a hilarious celebration dance



14. That moment when the goalkeeper in FIFA makes an unbelievable save and you're left in awe


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15. When you accidentally pause the game in FIFA and your opponent scores a goal while you're not looking


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16. That amazing feeling when you score a last-minute goal in FIFA and secure the victory


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17. When the commentator in FIFA says something so repetitive that it starts to annoy you


18. When you're in a tense match in FIFA and your controller batteries die at the worst possible moment


19. When you play FIFA against a friend who's always choosing the same overpowered team, but you still manage to beat them


20. When you're playing FIFA and accidentally pass the ball to the opponent's player right in front of your goal


21. When you're losing in FIFA and blame it on the controller, even though it's clearly your skills that need improvement


22. When you're playing FIFA and accidentally press the wrong button, resulting in an own goal


23. That moment when the opponent in FIFA disconnects right before you score a goal and you're left with mixed emotions


24. When you're winning comfortably in FIFA and start trying outrageous skill moves just for fun


25. When you're playing FIFA and accidentally pause the game during a crucial moment, much to your frustration


26. When your friend scores an incredible long-range goal in FIFA and you're left in awe and envy


27. When you're playing FIFA and your opponent scores a ridiculous bicycle kick goal against you, leaving you speechless


28. When the referee in FIFA gives a questionable red card to your player and you're left furious


29. When you're about to score a goal in FIFA and the game suddenly freezes, crushing your hopes and dreams


30. That feeling when you successfully execute a perfect skill move in FIFA and leave your opponent stunned


31. When you're playing FIFA and the ball hits the crossbar, bounces off the goalkeeper's head, and goes in for a goal, leaving everyone stunned


32. When your opponent in FIFA uses all the dirty tricks to win, but you still manage to come out on top


33. When you're playing FIFA and your opponent celebrates excessively after scoring a goal, irritating you to no end


34. When you're losing in FIFA and start spamming the shoot button, hoping for a miracle goal


35. When your opponent in FIFA disconnects after you score a fantastic goal and you're left celebrating alone


36. That incredible feeling when you pull off a perfect through ball in FIFA and set up a goal


37. When you're playing FIFA and accidentally tackle your own player, causing confusion and frustration


38. When you're leading comfortably in FIFA and start playing mind games with your opponent, causing frustration


39. That moment when you score a last-minute goal in FIFA and celebrate like there's no tomorrow


40. When you're playing FIFA and your opponent tries to distract you with constant trash talk, but you remain focused and win


41. When you're playing FIFA and your controller battery dies at the most crucial moment, causing frustration and panic


42. When you're playing FIFA and your opponent uses the same overpowered move repeatedly, making the game less enjoyable


43. When you're losing in FIFA and start blaming the game's AI for your poor performance


44. When you're playing FIFA and your opponent scores a lucky goal that leaves you frustrated and annoyed


45. When you're playing FIFA and your opponent quits the game out of frustration, giving you an easy victory


46. When you're playing FIFA and your opponent's goalkeeper makes an incredible save, denying your goal


47. When you're about to score a goal in FIFA and the game lags, ruining your chance


48. That satisfying feeling when you score a goal in FIFA using a long-range shot that's unstoppable


49. When you're playing FIFA and your opponent uses time-wasting tactics to preserve their lead


50. When you're playing FIFA and your opponent scores an own goal, giving you a lucky advantage



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