Revealing the Sensational plot story of "72 Hoorain

72 hoorain movie review
72 hoorain official poster

हिंदी मे पढ़े

Movie Title: 72 Hoorain

Director: Sanjay Puran Singh Chauhan

Aamir Bashir

Aamir Bashir

Pawan Malhotra

Pawan Malhotra

Saru Maini

Saru Maini

Ashok Pathak

Ashok Pathak

Genre: Drama, Thriller

Story Overview

Brief Synopsis of the Plot:

Adil is a young man who lives in a small town in India. He is struggling to make ends meet, and he is feeling lost and disillusioned. He is also struggling with his faith. He has been raised to believe in Islam, but he is starting to question whether or not he really believes in it.

One day, he is approached by a recruiter from a terrorist organization. The recruiter tells Adil that he can join the organization and be rewarded with 72 virgins in heaven if he dies in the name of Allah. Adil is hesitant at first, but he eventually agrees to join the organization.

Adil undergoes training and prepares for his mission. Along the way, he begins to question the organization's motives and the truth about the 72 virgins. He also begins to develop a relationship with a young woman named Fatima. Fatima is also a member of the terrorist organization, but she is starting to have doubts of her own.

As Adil's doubts grow, he begins to plan his escape from the organization. However, the organization is not going to let him go easily. They track him down and try to kill him. Adil manages to escape, but he is left with a lot of questions about his faith and his place in the world.

The film ends with Adil still struggling with his doubts. However, he is determined to find his own path in life, and he is no longer willing to be manipulated by the terrorist organization.

Key Conflict or Dramatic Elements:

The key conflict in 72 Hoorain is Adil's struggle between his faith and his doubts. Adil has been raised to believe in Islam, but he is starting to question whether or not he really believes in it. He is also struggling with the morality of the terrorist organization's actions.


The budget of the movie 72 Hoorain is estimated to be around ₹100 crore (US$13 million). This is a relatively high budget for an Indian film, and it reflects the film's ambition to be a major production. The film is being produced by Sanjay Puran Singh Chauhan, who has a track record of making successful films. The film's cast is also very strong, with Aamir Bashir, Pawan Malhotra, Saru Maini, and Ashok Pathak all starring.

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Release Date

The film 72 Hoorain is scheduled to be released on 28 june 2023. Fans and movie enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting its release to experience its powerful and thought-provoking storyline.

Themes Explored

  • The power of manipulation: The terrorist organization uses a variety of techniques to manipulate Adil, including preying on his doubts and his sense of isolation.
  • The dangers of extremism: The film shows how extremism can lead people to do terrible things, even if they are good people at heart.
  • The nature of faith: The film explores the question of what it means to have faith, and how faith can be used for both good and evil.
  • The search for identity: The film shows how Adil's search for identity leads him to join the terrorist organization, and how it also leads him to escape from the organization.
  • The importance of critical thinking: The film shows how important it is to think critically about the information that we are presented with, and to not be afraid to question authority.
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Expectations and Anticipation

I am very excited to see 72 Hoorain. I am anticipating a powerful and thought-provoking film that will explore the complex issues of faith, manipulation, and extremism. I am also looking forward to seeing Aamir Bashir's performance. He is a talented actor who is always able to bring depth and complexity to his roles.

Casting and Performances

The casting in 72 Hoorain is excellent. Aamir Bashir gives a powerful performance as Adil, and Saru Maini is also very good as Fatima. The supporting cast is also strong, with Pawan Malhotra, Ashok Pathak, and others all giving memorable performances.

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Direction and Filmmaking Style

Sanjay Puran Singh Chauhan is a talented director who has a strong track record of making thought-provoking films. I am confident that he will do a great job of directing 72 Hoorain. The trailer for the film looks very promising, and I am excited to see how Chauhan brings the story to life.

Music and Soundtrack

The music and soundtrack for 72 Hoorain have not yet been released, but I am confident that they will be well-done. The film's director, Sanjay Puran Singh Chauhan, has a good ear for music, and I am sure that he will choose the right songs to complement the film's story and themes.

Trailer and Promotions

The trailer for 72 Hoorain has been released, and it looks very promising. The trailer gives a good sense of the film's story and themes, and it also shows off the film's strong cast and filmmaking style. I am excited to see how the film's promotions will unfold in the coming weeks and months.

Anticipated Strengths and Concerns

The anticipated strengths of 72 Hoorain include its powerful story, its talented cast, and its strong direction. The film's themes of faith, manipulation, and extremism are also very timely and relevant. However, I am also concerned that the film may be too heavy-handed or preachy. I hope that the film will strike a balance between being thought-provoking and being entertaining.

Overall Expectations

Overall, I am very excited for 72 Hoorain. I think it has the potential to be a powerful and thought-provoking film that will explore important issues in a thought-provoking way. I am also confident that the film will be well-made and that it will feature strong performances from the cast. I highly recommend checking out 72 Hoorain when it is released.


I am very excited for the release of 72 Hoorain. I think it is a film that everyone should see, especially those who are interested in the complex issues of faith, manipulation, and extremism. I encourage everyone to watch the film and share their opinions.

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Frequently Asked question123s (faqs)

1. When will the movie be released?
The movie is set to be released in 28 june 2023.
2. Who are the lead actors in the film?
The lead actors in the film are Aamir Bashir, Pawan Malhotra, Saru Maini, and Ashok Pathak.
3. What genre does the film belong to?
The film falls under the genres of drama and thriller.
4. Who is the director of the film?
The film is directed by Sanjay Puran Singh Chauhan.
5. What is the estimated budget of the movie?
The estimated budget of the movie is around ₹100 crore (US$13 million).
6. Is the movie based on a true story?
No, the movie is a fictional story exploring themes of faith and manipulation.
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7. What languages will the movie be released in?
The movie will be released in Hindi, the primary language of the Indian film industry.
8. Will the movie be subtitled in other languages?
Subtitles in English and other regional languages may be provided for wider accessibility.
9. Where was the movie filmed?
The movie was primarily filmed in various locations in India.
10. Is the movie suitable for all audiences?
The movie is recommended for mature audiences due to its themes and content.
11. Will there be a pre-release premiere or screening?
Details about pre-release premieres or screenings are yet to be announced.
12. Are there any notable special effects in the movie?
The movie may feature special effects sequences, but specific details are not available at the moment.
13. Who composed the music for the film?
The music composer for the film is yet to be announced.
14. How long is the movie's runtime?
The exact runtime of the movie is not available at the moment.
15. Will there be a sequel or franchise based on the movie?
The decision to create a sequel or franchise will depend on the success and reception of the film.
16. Can I expect any cameo appearances in the movie?
Cameo appearances by well-known actors are always a possibility, but no details have been revealed.
17. Will the movie have a wide international release?
The international release plans for the movie will be announced closer to the release date.
18. Are there any age restrictions to watch the movie?
The movie may have age restrictions, and viewers may need to adhere to the guidelines set by the relevant authorities.
19. Can I expect any promotional events or campaigns for the movie?
Promotional events and campaigns may be organized closer to the release date to create buzz and awareness.
20. Where can I watch the movie?
Information about the movie's distribution and platforms for viewing will be provided prior to its release.

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